Health Weight Loss

the new well detox

After prepping for the new well detox on Sunday, I realized that this was just what I needed to get my mind focused. I have been enjoying treats more than I should have and really have been lazy when it comes to moderation. I have recently told myself that I refuse to spend the rest of my life in weight loss. Since reaching my goal, I have been enjoying new foods and I realized that even though a burger sounds good, its not what my body wants. I really don’t care for sweets, unless it’s ice cream and my crack food of choice is chips and if there is hummus in the house, for get it! So I would have this gain on the weekend because I am either eating a bigger serving than I should or eating things not so great for me. Like I said before, maintenance is difficult but I am determined to find a balance, because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in weight loss and I never want to be over 300 pounds.

Day one of the detox was good, only a slight headache not sure if its from caffeine withdrawals or from a concussion (I tripped over Isaac’s wheelchair and hit my head pretty hard), also you can have unlimited of certain food so I didn’t feel hungry. Today is November the 11th and I am on day two, I have added the metabolic reboot shake to my diet and supplements. So far so good, I will give you my honest opinion about this detox. I hate it when people recommend things they have not even tried, since I work at the new well, it was hard for me to recommend that my clients try this detox because I had not tried it. I will put a link below with some more information and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to post in the comment section.
