acts of kindness Volunteer Work

The Brady Adams Memorial Bench

Message to those who know Brady Adams

Dear Friends and Community Members,

I’m starting a NEW committee to complete the Brady Adam’s Memorial Bench that will go downtown. The family asked me last year to help out. I started my Real Estate Business over 2 years ago, when I started making money, Isaac lost his Disability and Government Insurance. I took one step forward and it felt like a million backwards. Now that I am somewhat established I feel like I can 100% commit to making this happen for his family.

Brady Adams is the one who helped me realize that ANYTHING is possible if we all work together. He made me believe in myself and my ability to make change in a positive way. There was no protesting the injustice with him, it beleived in getting together with people who wanted the same things and working hard to see it happen. He once told me, “the thing I like most about you is that instead of complaining about something not being right, you did something about it.” Brady was a stranger that took a chance on a girl from the ghetto. When I was feeling discouraged he would invite me out and fill my tank back up. He told me, “I don’t care what else you do, don’t ever change who you are”. When my brother died, he was the father figure in my life to tell me it was all going to be ok.

Brady filled a lot of tanks throughout his lifetime! He took time away from his family to invest into others because he BELIEVED in them. Although people may think that this is not what he wanted, HIS FAMILY WANTS IT! His family served the community as well. When Brady was out working on projects, it was them that supported his ideas and allowed for him to fully serve. Meaning, he could go out and make change without resistance from home. The Blue Slide Project was his last project, he walked from Grants Pass to Ashland with Parkinson’s Disease in 5 days. I remember the concern on his wife Patty’s face. She knew it wasn’t safe for him and knew the risks but she sent him off because she knew how determined he was. Brady gave the Blue Slide project his ALL, never thinking twice. As a public servant, I can tell you it is hard work to leave your family to help others. If you would like to help with seeing this project completed please email or post a message. I will be going over the budget with the current organizers and make sure this project is completed. The video below is Brady’s efforts during his walk to Ashland.

Thank you Patty, Jenny and Ted for your serve to our community.
