Health Weight Loss

The new well detox, day 5 and 6…

If you do not follow my Saving Mona facebook page I am letting fans know how each day of the detox is going. Yesterday I was so busy with work, and life that is slipped my mind to post. Today I’m on day 6, I am almost done with the detox and I have to say that I truly feel amazing! I have increased energy,  I am sleeping really good, so good I have been up before my alarm, I no longer feel bloated and I do not feel tempted to eat the items I cut out (sugar, caffeine,  bread, dairy, salt, rice). The only side effect I am feeling are the mucle aches and a slight headache (headache could be from concussion), this is because the detox is doing its job. This metabolic reboot is exactly what I hoped for, and I am thankful I made the choice.

For all those who know me, I don’t like wasting money and I am more successful if I am given a challenge. Since I didn’t want to waste the money I paid for this detox system,  I make sure I am following all the rules. I even went to the movies yesterday and wasn’t tempted by the popcorn. So, today I am on day six and it’s the weekend. Weekends are usually tough to get through, but I am super positive I will make it all the way. One of the perks of the detox is weight loss, in 6 days I have gotten rid of 8 pounds of junk!

If you are interested in joining me, message below. If you live put of town, don’t worry, the new well can ship!!!