Encouragement Health Uncategorized Weight Loss

the new well detox day 8 & 9

I am towards the end of my detox, really today is the last day to take supplements and tomorrow I will be add more variety of foods back into my diet. This is the first detox I have ever done, I have always been afraid because its usually a liquid diet, ain’t nobody got time for that (lol). The way it works is, you have a set food plan for each day, you gradually take away foods on the list, then add them back in towards the end of the week. You drink a shake that gets rid of the metals and environmental toxins and a supplement that adds nutrients back in your body. You are never hungry because you can have unlimited servings of the items set food plan.

For the first in my life I made Salmon and actually enjoyed it, I even convinced my 4 year old that it was chicken and she loved it. I wish I was able to get her  to drink the green smoothie (kale, spinach, apple, pear, ice and water, blended) I made because it was so yummy and good for you, the boys enjoyed it and I plan on making it often. I have not really been on a workout routine since I started working in June. I have the energy and I am making workout a priority! Being a wellness consultant I have to set a good example, not only for my family, but for my clients and friends. This detox has definitely put me in a better spot mentally. After all, anything you ever do in life has nothing to do with your physically ability but how mentally strong you are.

So my question is, what are you waiting for? Not just with this detox, what is holding you back from reaching your weight loss goal? Why wait for tomorrow? Tomorrow never comes, Monday never comes, next week or next month NEVER COME!!!! You just got to wake up an make the choice for today:)

FYI I am on day 9  I am feeling great, after I log off here I am headed to the gym and am planning for a busy day. Please comment below if you have any questions about the detox or need help starting your journey:)


Health Weight Loss

The new well detox, day 5 and 6…

If you do not follow my Saving Mona facebook page I am letting fans know how each day of the detox is going. Yesterday I was so busy with work, and life that is slipped my mind to post. Today I’m on day 6, I am almost done with the detox and I have to say that I truly feel amazing! I have increased energy,  I am sleeping really good, so good I have been up before my alarm, I no longer feel bloated and I do not feel tempted to eat the items I cut out (sugar, caffeine,  bread, dairy, salt, rice). The only side effect I am feeling are the mucle aches and a slight headache (headache could be from concussion), this is because the detox is doing its job. This metabolic reboot is exactly what I hoped for, and I am thankful I made the choice.

For all those who know me, I don’t like wasting money and I am more successful if I am given a challenge. Since I didn’t want to waste the money I paid for this detox system,  I make sure I am following all the rules. I even went to the movies yesterday and wasn’t tempted by the popcorn. So, today I am on day six and it’s the weekend. Weekends are usually tough to get through, but I am super positive I will make it all the way. One of the perks of the detox is weight loss, in 6 days I have gotten rid of 8 pounds of junk!

If you are interested in joining me, message below. If you live put of town, don’t worry, the new well can ship!!!

Health Weight Loss

the new well detox

After prepping for the new well detox on Sunday, I realized that this was just what I needed to get my mind focused. I have been enjoying treats more than I should have and really have been lazy when it comes to moderation. I have recently told myself that I refuse to spend the rest of my life in weight loss. Since reaching my goal, I have been enjoying new foods and I realized that even though a burger sounds good, its not what my body wants. I really don’t care for sweets, unless it’s ice cream and my crack food of choice is chips and if there is hummus in the house, for get it! So I would have this gain on the weekend because I am either eating a bigger serving than I should or eating things not so great for me. Like I said before, maintenance is difficult but I am determined to find a balance, because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in weight loss and I never want to be over 300 pounds.

Day one of the detox was good, only a slight headache not sure if its from caffeine withdrawals or from a concussion (I tripped over Isaac’s wheelchair and hit my head pretty hard), also you can have unlimited of certain food so I didn’t feel hungry. Today is November the 11th and I am on day two, I have added the metabolic reboot shake to my diet and supplements. So far so good, I will give you my honest opinion about this detox. I hate it when people recommend things they have not even tried, since I work at the new well, it was hard for me to recommend that my clients try this detox because I had not tried it. I will put a link below with some more information and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to post in the comment section.


Encouragement Weight Loss

My the new well Story…

My name is Mona Pinon, I have been married to the love of my life for 12 years, and we have 5 beautiful children. My weight loss journey began in February of 2012 after the sudden death of my oldest brother David. I have struggled with weight my entire life, but it wasn’t until David passed away that I knew I needed to make changes, not only for myself but for the health of my husband and children. Tipping the scale at 309 pounds I sought the help of family and friends and turned my weight loss into a fundraiser for the Blue Slide Project, a wheelchair accessible playground in Grants Pass, Oregon. I knew others and the future of the playground were depending on me to succeed and I did not want to let anyone down. Most important, I was tired of gaining and losing weight, I wanted to set a goal for myself and actually follow through. A friend of mine told a doctor at The Women’s Health Center (TWHC) about what I was doing. To hold me accountable, Melanie Turner a Family Nurse Practitioner at TWHC agreed to weigh me for 6 months. I would go every Tuesday and her staff would weigh me and help me through any obstacles I was facing. After my 6 months was up, Melanie wanted to finish the race with me and agreed to weigh me for an additional 6 months.

During this time it was extremely difficult, trying to get rid of the diet mentality, learning to trust myself and learning how to deal with my past hurts and move forward. I had gained the majority of my weight while my son Isaac was in cancer treatments and dealing with the after affects. Isaac was paralyzed at just 4 months old, shortly after his first dose of chemo. Binge eating seemed to be my way of dealing with life’s worries and a habit that was formed at age 8, shortly after my dad abandoned my siblings and I for what seemed like the 100th time. Years later, while on my weight loss journey the pain resurfaced, instead of my usual eat until I didn’t feel the pain, for the first time I was dealing with the feelings and reliving the most tragic times of my life. My journey was an emotional one, I had to deal with my pain, forgive and move on, otherwise I was a prisoner in my own body and mind.

Here is where the new well comes in, Janet Holtman, one of the Wellness Center Managers asked if I would be a team captain for their annual Biggest Winner competition. In exchange for my time, she said I could try the program so I had a clear understanding of the meal plan and really what the Wellness Center has to offer. I was just 10 pounds shy of reaching my goal to be at 150 pounds. The first week I dropped 6 pounds on healthy fresh start, the first 3 days you are detoxing your body. Because I was using slim fast bars as a meal replacement I didn’t realize how much sugar I was consuming. I pushed myself harder than I had before, not only was I consuming more food, I was dropping the weight and learning to keep it off.
Once I reached my goal I was terrified, I always knew how to gain weight successfully and lose it, but never knew how to keep it off. The one on one counseling at the new well empowered me to believe in myself. I now hold the keys to success, I realize that this journey is 100% mental and I HAVE the choice to have a healthy relationship with food. I learned that it was never about the number on the scale and all about my health and wellness. The only thing in life I have control of is what I choose to eat. No one can make this choice for me, I cannot blame anyone if I eat something not so great for me nor can anyone take credit for all my hard work. For the first time in my life, I am starting and finishing, not wishing I was where I wanted to be.

Shortly before the competition was completed I was offered a job at the new well, I was scared because this was the first daytime job I have had since Isaac was diagnosed. It was such a great opportunity, I decided to just jump in and not let fear hold me back. I never imagined my life the way it is now, I never thought I could accomplish so many things with the setbacks I have had. Thanks to the support of so many people, I have successfully lost 162 pounds and have kept it off for 5 months. This is my new well story, what is stopping you from writing your own story?

Mona Pinon
Certified Wellness Consultant

My brother David and I
My brother David and I 2009

Weight Loss…

I am so sorry I have been MIA, the only excuses I have are that I have 5 kids, started a weight loss competition, broke ground for the Blue Slide Project and started a new job (sense the sarcasm? ). On top of that, I am just living life and I am very blessed that I am healthy and on the right path. When I first went into the maintenance phase of my journey I was so terrified to add new things to my diet for fear of gaining weight. I am very thankful for all the support I received, not only from my friends and family but the businesses in the community that partnered with me. To have everyone in my corner even after the weight was lost is amazing. I am not sure how long it would have taken me to trust myself had I not had them. A huge shout out to the Women’s Health Center and the new well for continuing to believe in my success  when I wasn’t able to. Setting the healthy habits along the way have really helped when I become stressed or overwhelmed. In the past I would have definitely turned to food when faced with obstacles. Living in the real world is hard and the easy thing to do is make excuses, but I am confident I have made life long changes. Not only for myself, but for my children and husband, who by the way has lost almost 80 pounds and still going strong. 

I plan on giving back to my community and have decided to take a job at the new well, as a Wellness Consultant. I can see great opportunity to help empower women who have huge giants to conquer. I am excited for this new chapter in my life, and never imagined when I started my journey that I would be here. I am so thankful to God, who has help me create my support system and has never left my side. 

I will end with this, when you are in the valley and see you have a big mountain to climb it is helpful to look back every now and then to see how far you have come. Not to look in the past and dwell on the bad, but looking at the little progress that was made. When your feet are tired and you are not sure how you will continue, look back again and you will see you are higher than you were before and it will give you hope that change is happening. When you are almost to the end, look at your finish line, don’t look back any more just run. By now you are strong, you have changed, you believe you are able to reach the top because now your end is right in front of you. Looking back now will be pointless, you will see no change just flat land. When you reach the top, stand tall and look at your obstacles as steps to get to the top.Be proud of how far you have come and celebrate in your new confidence. Do not let people tell you what you can do, that is up to you to decide. remember, anything is possible!

This is on top of Lower Table Rock, in Oregon.
This is on top of Lower Table Rock, in Oregon.



Psalm 23
Psalm of David.

1 The Lord is my shepherd;
    I have all that I need.
2 He lets me rest in green meadows;
    he leads me beside peaceful streams.
3     He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
    bringing honor to his name.
4 Even when I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a]
I will not be afraid,
    for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
    protect and comfort me.
5 You prepare a feast for me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
    My cup overflows with blessings.
6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
    all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of theLord